Online resource center ordering system for prevention services

COHealthResources is LIVE!

CoHealthResources is a one-stop shop for printed and downloadable marijuana, tobacco, and WIC resource materials from the CDPHE.

  • Tobacco and WIC resources are available for download and/or the CDPHE will print and ship them to you for free.
  • Marijuana resources are available for download only.
  • COHealthResources Login (web page)

How to start ordering

  • Request an account (web page form)
  • Please note what type of materials you primarily plan to order (e.g. WIC, tobacco) and what organization you are with. We work quickly to approve users so you can set up your profiles and start ordering.

Set your password

  • Set your password (web page login). Once you get email confirmation your user account has been set up, go to the landing page and select "Forgot my password? Click here."

Find what you need

Use the search bar at the top of the page, or browse campaign-specific materials through the “Find Materials” button on the home page.

Plan ahead

Ordering a variety of materials simultaneously ensures you have the resources you need and is most cost-efficient for the state. Be sure to take some time to explore all we have to offer and feel free to place a big order.


Please email cohealthresources@state.co.us.